Adult Protective Services

How do I make an elder or dependent adult abuse report?

Any member of the public, including an older or dependent ​adult seeking help, or family members and friends, can make a report to APS at 
(916) 874-9377​. For emergencies, call 911.

​​​If you are a mandated reporter and have already made a verbal, telephone report to the APS hotline, click below ​to complete and submit the follow-up report form for Suspected Dependent Adult or Elder Abuse​: 

Adult Protective Services (APS) is a state mandated program dedicated to maintaining the health and safety of elders and dependent adults subjected to neglect, abuse, or exploitation, or who are unable to protect their own interests. APS serves adults 60 years of age or older and dependent adults ages ​​​​​​​​​​​18 and 59 who have a combination of a disability and the inability to protect their own interest​​​​, or have an inability to carry out normal activities to protect their rights, including, but not limited to, persons who have physical or developmental disabilities, or whose physical or mental abilities have diminished because of age.​​


In addition to investigating allegations of abuse or neglect, Sacramento County APS assists elders and dependent adults of​ Sacramento County in the following ways:​

  •  Provides a 24-hour hotline to report elder or dependent adult abuse or neglect at​ (916) 874-9377​.
  •  Secures linkages and referrals for other county and community services.
  • ​ Advocates for clients in a variety of situations, for example with property managers​, medical providers, hospitals, treatment programs and   other social ​services. 
  •  Arranges for direct services such as meal delivery, transportation and immediate assistance with emergency situations.
  • ​ Coordinates and consults with other providers to ensure the best possible service for the client.

Elder and dependent adult abuse includes: Physical abuse (assault/battery, constraint or deprivation, sexual assault, chemical restraint, and over or under medication), neglect (including self-neglect), financial abuse, abandonment, isolation, abduction, and psychological or verbal abuse.

For Mandated Reporters Only: ​All mandated APS reports shall be made immediately or as soon as practicably possible.​ Mandated reporters have two options for making abuse or neglect reports to APS:​​
  • Verbal Report Completed: If you are a mandated reporter and have already made a verbal, telephone report to the APS hotline, click below ​to complete and submit the follow-up report form for Suspected Dependent Adult or Elder Abuse​: ​​​​​​

  • ​​​​​​​​​​​​​Verbal Reports: You may make a verbal report to APS by telephone at ​(916) 874-9377. F​o​llowing a verbal report, the mandated written SOC341 or SOC342 form is required within two​ working days. The APS fax number is (916) 854-9341. ​​​Urgent reports requiring an immediate response must be made verbally by telephone.
  • ​Online Report​s: Mandated reporters may submit an online non-emergency reportThere is no need to call APS after submitting the online report. Online reports are only processed Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. If your report requires an immediate response, make a verbal report (see above).

Man​​dated Reporte​r Training​​​
How do I request APS Records?
Request Sacramento APS Records hereFor APS records in another county, please contact the specific county.

​​​​​​Home Safe 

To Qualify

​Not Applicable​


​Not Applicable

Contact Information

(916) 874-9377