Eligibility Criteria for all IHSS Applicants and
· Live in Sacramento County
· Be a U.S. citizen or a legal permanent
resident of California
· Be 65 years of age or older, blind or disabled of
any age
· Must have a Medi-Cal eligibility determination*
· Must live at home or an abode of your own choosing
(acute care hospital, long-term care facilities, and
licensed community care facilities are not considered "own
· Be unable to live at home safely without assistance
· Must submit a completed Health Care Certification
Form (SOC 873)
Important Medi-Cal Renewal Information
· Keep yourself and your family Medi-Cal covered!
· California is in the process of resuming the annual Medi-Cal eligibility process. In order for recipients to maintain both their Medi-Cal and IHSS services, this renewal must be completed timely. For more information and to prepare for your renewal, visit KeepMediCalCoverage.org
· Members can check their online account – Covered California, BenefitsCal, or Department of Human Assistance – for alerts
· Members can also contact the Sacramento Department of Human Assistance's MEDS Service Center at 1-800-560-0976 for renewal
Information Needed to Apply for IHSS
Whether you are calling for IHSS on your own behalf or on the behalf of someone else, please be prepared with the following information:
· Name
· Home Address
(mailing address if different)
· Phone number
· Applicant's date of
· Social Security
· Gender
· Ethnicity
· Preferred spoken and
written language
· Marital status
· Names of all
household members
· Number of minor
children related to applicant living in home (if applicable)
· Summary of services
applying for
· Disability related
· Involvement with
other community agencies (ex. Alta, STEP, etc.)
· Authorized
Representative information (if applicable)
· Name of prospective
care provider
How to Apply for IHSS
To apply for IHSS call: 916-874-9471
Monday – Friday (9:00 am – 4:00 pm)
Or complete and submit an application for In-Home Supportive Services:
· SOC 295 14pt Font
· SOC 295 18pt Font
Mail to:
In-Home Supportive Services
PO BOX 269131
Sacramento, CA 95826
Or FAX to: (916) 854-8828
Application Process Overview
Anyone who recognizes that a person is in need of in-home assistance may make a referral to IHSS. Once the requirements for the Health Care Certification and Medi-Cal eligibility are met a social worker is assigned to the case to conduct an assessment of need. The determination will take into consideration the applicant's medical condition, living arrangement, persons living in the home and resources that may already be available.
Once the needs assessment is authorized, IHSS can assist a recipient with locating a caregiver. A friend or relative may serve as a caregiver, or a referral may be made through the IHSS Registry. Once a caregiver is selected, the client acts as the employer and is responsible for supervision and signing time sheets.
Working together, IHSS and the caregiver ensure that each recipient is able to remain in their home – safely, comfortably and with as much independence as possible.
Electronic Timesheets
The Electronic Timesheet System allows a provider to submit their IHSS/WPCS timesheets online using a tablet, smartphone, laptop or computer instead of receiving and submitting paper timesheets when their recipient(s) opt in to approve timesheets online. This service also allows a provider's timesheets to be reviewed and approved by their recipient(s) using their tablet, smartphone, laptop or computer.
For more information on Electronic Services Portal (ESP) and how to enroll, visit the California Department of Social Services (CDSS) Electronic Timesheet System (ETS) Website at:
Sacramento County IHSS Care Provider Rate of Pay:
1/1/2025 - present = $18.65/hour
6/1/2024 - 12/31/24 = $18.15/hour
1/1/2024 - 5/31/2024 = $17.00/hour
Sacramento County IHSS Care Providers - Worker's Compensation Information:
If you are injured while working as an IHSS care provider, please call the IHSS Payroll Help Desk at (916) 874-9805 for information about Worker's Compensation benefits.