The CARES Connection

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Welcome to T​he CARES Connection.​ 

Your destination for all things CARES! ​

Check back often for all the updates, developments,​ and news related to the replacement of CWS/CMS - currently in development!​

CWS-CARES: What Is It?

​Child Welfare Services-California Automated Response​ and Engagement System (CWS-CARES) is the new system being developed for the State of California. CWS-CARES will be a modern, web-based software application that is flexible, scalable,​ and more intuitive to use. CWS-CARES will consolidate functionalities that are in various systems into a single system and include multiple interfaces with other applications, thus providing Child Welfare workers with critical case information more efficiently.

​CWS-CARES Highlights At A Glance

CARES is the new software system being developed for the State of California to comply with Comprehensive Child Welfare Information System (CCWIS) requirements.

  • CARES will be implemented in two versions:
    • ​Version 1 (V1) launches in October 2026 
    • ​Version 2 (V2) launches in April 2028
  • CARES V1 ​is intended to cover the functionality required to decommission CWS/CMS and support new policies and programs, such as Family First Prevention Services Act (FFPSA), Resource Family Approval, and more.
  • CARES V1 will have a statewide rollout approach, which means all users will implement CARES V1 at the same time in ​October ​2026.​

CWS-CARES Timeline​

CWS-CARES will be implemented in two versions. Version 1 launches in October 2026 and Version 2 launches in April 2028. Our communication approach supports the CWS-CARES project lifecycle and timeline. Proactive communication helps prepare users for the new system and manage potential resistance to change, ensuring a smoother transition and adoption.


Why CARES? A Case for Change

​​​We are excited to introduce the first video, Why CARES? A Case for Change​, which highlights why the CARES modernization project ​is important to child welfare and how modernization will benefit YOU.​


CWS-CARES - A New Way Forward

The next video, CWS-CARES: A New Way Fo​rward, was developed with all end-users in mind and expands on the benefits of CWS-CARES from the first video (Why CARES? A Case for Change).​



The third video of the series, CWS-CARES101​, was developed with all end-users in mind, and expands on the benefits of CWS-CARES from the previous two videos.


Questions? Send us an email at DCFAS-CWS-CARESInfo or visit the Child Welfare Digital Services FAQs site for frequently asked questions.

CWS-CARES: Child Welfare Management for Today's Child Welfare Workforce​
